Note: The resort pages are graphic-intensive and may take a while to load.
The resort links are listed in order of location on the resort map - Marriott begins the chain of resorts at the north end of Palm Beach and Sonesta Suites and Island end the resort area at the capital city of Oranjestad. Please note that as I do not have an accurate map, I use the words North, South, East, and West to refer to the beach running north/south, the beach being to the left, the resort being to the right, north is towards Marriott and south towards Oranjestad, regardless if this is actual south or east. Try to bear with me on that. Not all resorts/hotel/inns are included here as I could not find enough information on the smaller ones to warrant their own pages. You will find links to webpages for some of them on my Links page.
"I've checked out all the resorts, but I still can't decided!" Some things to consider
"Which resort is best when you are bringing kids?" Try these resorts
"Should we go all-inclusive or not?" Pros and Cons
"My own biased, totally personal opinions on the resorts" Opinions
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This site went online 1999.
Photos by Patti MacK copyrighted 1999 and may not be used without permission.
As information may not always be up-to-date, you are advised to use it as a guideline only. You will find e-mail and website addresses, as well as phone and fax #s included on this site - please use them to contact the particular resort/restaurant/business in person to confirm times, prices, and details. The webmaster, site owner, and Internet provider assume no responsibility for any damages or claims resulting in use of information contained in this site. If, in spite of every precaution, any copyrights have been infringed in this site or any borrowed photo uncredited, your notification with respect to photo credit or removal will be greatly appreciated.